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A place to post mostly Guitar related stuff. Mods, Customization, Hot Rodding, Schematics, Wiring Diagrams, Ground up builds, Amps & Other Ideas

Squier, Master Series, Esprit

Squier, Master Series,  Esprit
My #1 Crimson Transparent [Can't Stop Playing This Guitar]

Squier, Avril lavigne, Telecaster

Squier, Avril lavigne, Telecaster
Single Humbucking Tele What all of the SHPR-1 Wiring diagrams are for.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Puppies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Digitech GNX2

The Digitech GNX2

Another Addition to my Arsenal!


Das Beast !

The Roland GA-212

I have had this Beast for several months now and I love this thing.

To my ear it sounds as good as any tube amp I own if not better.
Only one niggle that I can think of right off the top of my head, is if the bass is turned up past 5 or 6 and the master volume is turned down to 3 or 4 the bass does get mushy/flabby, since I never play that low any way, Hot Damn!

I will say in the amps favor that I use fairly hot humbucker guitars

With the "Drive" turned up and my pick turned over sideways while I am picking gives me that "Chainsaw From Hell" sound!
Hot Damn, Dark Days Indeed!

If you are looking for a new amplifier, check the Roland GA-212!
Solid State Reliability, Tube Sound Heaven !!!
I do not believe you will find a better amp!

At 200 Watts, this baby indeed goes to "11" and then some.
I am going to have to build me an "Underground Bunker" to be able to play this little beasty at full volume.


You Gotta Get This !!!

The SuperL

The SuperL

SuperL Installed W/L-500

SuperL Installed W/L-500

More Detail #1

More Detail #1
On/On/On Switch & Jacks

On/On/On Switch

On/On/On Switch

SuperL Bits & Pieces

SuperL Bits & Pieces
2 Dual Blade Single-Buckers

Zoom G9.2tt

Zoom G9.2tt
My Next G.A.S. Attack